From someone who knows
I had seen a advertisement for the Necessity Bag on the Today Show a while back and being an Oncology Nurse Practitioner I thought to myself "what a fabulous idea," all the while keeping it in the back of my head. Unfortunately a dear friend/family member was recently diagnosed with Breast Cancer and is currently scheduled to start her chemotherapy at the end of September. Feeling helpless and wanting to do something I immediately turned to the Necessity Bag and purchase one for her to help her through her journey of the dreaded chemotherapy. I purchase the bag online and Amanda contacted me the very next day to say the bag was ready. Being that they were a local company to me, we arranged a pick-up. When I saw the bag first hand I was blown away - the products are top of the line and they left no stone unturned. They pinpointed on everything a patient going through chemotherapy could possibly need. Their positive messages of encouragement and support throughout the entire bag is so uplifting. In my opinion we definitely need more products like this. Products that support, empower and encourage people at their lowest points in their lives and help them through while making them feel human. No one ever wants to hear the words cancer or chemotherapy and for family and friends the thought of not being able to make it better is heartbreaking, but a simple gesture of this amazing bag will not only make someone feel like they are doing something for someone they love it will also help their loved one through a point in their life they would probably most likely want to forget.
Thank you Necessity Bag for being a company that is truly making a difference one patient at a time. Keep fighting the good fight. . . . . we are all in this together, unfortunately everyone in this world is effected by cancer in some way.